A ‘Dream Cell’ is a Faux finished custom made wood box containing one of my original acrylic paintings surrounded by hundreds of similarly subject themed antique and vintage collectables.
Dream Cells are nostalgic. Dream Cells are culturally American. They are the joined artistic efforts spanning decades of Jon Ellis in concert with literally hundreds of talented artists, sculptors, carvers, toy makers, designers and photographers. Combining my two passions of painting and collecting, I am always on the prowl for suitable items in flea markets, garage sales and more recently on Ebay. Each cherished collectable item is carefully selected and matched to suit the theme of my centerpiece painting. I am most attracted to quirky worn items, which have been loved and played with by their human caretakers. These items have amazing character and are filled with their previous owner’s vibrations.

Collection of antiques for a Dream Cell

Building of the frame

Completed Dream Cell

Collection of antiques for a Dream Cell
While it may take years to complete my painting, build and detail the custom wooden cabinet frame, and to collect the hundreds of necessary vintage collectables, it only takes one full day to arrange and fasten all the objects. While I look forward to these few special days for years, when they come, it is both exhilarating and intimidating as to where everything will go. Right before I begin, I do a spiritual exercise where I surrender to creative spirit and off I go. Once I begin, I am on fire. I literally am unable to stop until it’s completed.
Without doubt, I am most creatively satisfied and in love with my Dream Cells. At almost 3 to 4 years to complete a single work, I better be. Dream Cells are my closest attempt at creating perfection in this flawed world. When I look at them completed and displayed, I feel a perfect sense of balance. I consider my Dream Cells my children and after making the mistake of selling my very first ‘Jiff’ Dream Cell in 1995, for next to nothing, I have since refused to sell them. My artistic goal and vision is to share them, but to keep the children together and have them displayed in a museum for all to enjoy. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy them on this site as much as I have enjoyed creating them! If you are moved to possess one, you can always purchase a print.